Sunday, September 30, 2012

Truth Be Told #2

Truth Be Told #2
We Don't Always Watch Educational TV

Even though my parents are both teachers, we still watch a lot of TV in our house.  Some people say TV is bad and books are better but you can't really read all the time.  You'd get serious eye strain.

Everybody likes to watch something different.  I like to watch Say Yes to the Dress and DC Cupcakes.  Natalie likes to watch what I watch.  Sam is into Sponge Bob big time.  Mother Eloise likes Touch and the news.  Dad likes ESPN and that dumb show Gold Rush.  

But there is one show lately that we all come together to watch.  Mom claims that she doesn't watch it, but look at this picture.

 Those are her gnarly feet propped on the edge of her new round chair.  It is kind of like a nest where she sits.  That is Alanna/Honey Boo Boo Child on our TV on the wall.  So this is proof she DOES watch the show she claims she doesn't.

I put a video about the show on the bottom of this post.  You can click on it to see what Honey Boo Boo is all about.  Be prepared to laugh.

Alanna introduces you to her "crazy family." They all have nicknames.  She has 3 sisters and now a new niece.  Everyone in the family has nicknames except the new niece Kaitlyn but she was born with two thumbs on one hand so I think a nickname is coming.

The nicknames are:

  • Alanna--6--the main character---Honey Boo Boo
  • Mom/June--32---Momma
  • Dad/Mike--40---Sugar Bear
  • Lauren--12--Pumpkin
  • Jessica---15--Chubs
  • Anna--17---Chickadee

I thought of nicknames for my own family.  I made them to kind of match.  They are:

  • Mom/Mother Eloise---41---July
  • Dad--43---Bitter Bear
  • Natalie---14---Plump
  • Sam---6---Buddy Boo Boo
  • Ellen---12---Gourd

My mom has nicknames for just about everyone.  Some she shares, and some she doesn't.  I hear that Grandpa had many nicknames for people, too.  Especially guys from GE.  That's what my mom says anyway.

If I could rename anyone, I'd rename Taylor Swift, Taylor SWAFT.  I just think that would be so cool if she switched over from country to Rap or Deep R&B and she could be Tay-Sway.

These are the people I went to camp with last week.  I gave them all nicknames.  They were:

  • Adam---Yeti   because he has big feet.
  • Emily---Em Bem
  • Ellen--El Bel
  • Jack--Hack--because Aunt Karen's bad typing on her iPhone--it always comes out that way.

I got cool presents for my birthday.  I even got two from my pinterest board!  I was so excited.  

I got this arrow bracelet because I really like The Hunger Games books and movie.

Arrow Bracelet Uncovet

I also got this really cool necklace.  It means Jeremiah 29:11.  It is my favorite Bible verse.  Carrie Underwood says it in Soul Surfer, too.

Jeremiah 29:11-Scripture Necklace-For I know the plans I have for you ---- Love these necklaces from Etsy!

Have fun watching June and her crazy family.  Like mom says, try not to laugh AT them, laugh WITH them.  They really do seem nice and love each other when they are not yelling at each other.

I think my readers are "all that and a pack of crackers."
Ellen Louise

Friday, September 21, 2012

Truth Be Told #1

Truth Be Told #1
She Doesn't Only Listen to Tim McGraw

Today is my birthday.  I am a dozen years old.  

Welcome to my blog Life Inside the Lamp Post.  I earned it from getting an advanced score in Writing on my PSSA's.  My Mom, who you know as Eloise, told me I could have my own blog if I got an advanced score.  I did it!

Now it is MY turn to write!

This is my house, The Lamp Post.  My mom writes a blog called Lessons From the Lamp Post.  She always writes about me, my sister, and my brother.  Now it is my turn to tell you the truth about what REALLY goes on inside the Lamp Post.  Here is a peek at my life.

You can always tell Mother Eloise from the ring on her finger.  I got it for her for Mother's Day one year.  This is Mother Eloise's favorite weekend beverage.

My trademark is my fingernails.  I always have them painted cool ways.  We went to the football game so I painted my nails orange and black to match my school.  My favorite weekend beverage is Coca Cola.  Out of the glass bottle is my favorite, but I do collect all the cans.

My Aunt Karen got me this cool nail polish for my birthday.  I've been wanting it for so long.  It is expensive. Mom says I have to keep the lid on tight and keep it away from my brother Sam.  I saw essie nail polish on pinterest, which is my favorite thing to do.  I have my own board on my mom's account called Ellen Louise.  I have over 900 things pinned!

I even found how to make a skin cleansing mask to make my face super clean.  That is tissue paper on my face.  Don't worry, it came off.

My mom pins things for me to make her on a board called Create.  When I get bored, I pick something from there to do.  It is fun.  

My Grandma has a board called Ellen Make Me This.  She pins all kinds of stuff for me to make her, too.

This is a picture of me with my sister Natalie.  We do lots of stuff together.  

This is me and my little brother Sam.  He was actually smiling in this picture because he knew he was going to get some cake.  

He even helped me blow out my own candles.  

 Sam didn't even spit on the cake this year so we were lucky. 

 The point of this blog is to tell you what life is REALLY like inside the Lamp Post.  I have to tell you the truth.  So Truth Be Told #1 is:  My mom doesn't only listen to Tim McGraw.  She listens to other songs, too.

  Mother Eloise likes to listen to music all the time, especially when she's getting ready to go somewhere.  She is really fast at getting ready.  I'm not that fast yet.  Mother Eloise says I'll get fast when I'm a mom someday.  

This is a little hidden camera video I took of her getting ready for my birthday party.  If you notice, she is NOT listening to Tim McGraw.  She's been listening to the Zac Brown Band this week.  The song is called Chicken Fried.  You can even hear her singing!  I hope you enjoy the video.  She let me put it on here.  But from now on, I have to keep the video camera in her room when I am not using it.  

Have a nice day!
Ellen Louise