Sunday, August 25, 2013

Truth Be Told 21

Truth Be Told #21

Tomorrow I go to seventh grade and my parents keep telling me I'm going to be fine.  I'm not fine.  This is the end of summer vacation and it didn't get nice until NOW!  Instead of enjoying nice weather I'll be sitting inside in stupid class missing it all. ALL BECAUSE I HAVE TO GO TO JUNIOR HIGH TOMORROW. 

I was going to write a blog about the rest of the summer.  The Band Perry concert.  Jack going to camp with me.  My new bedroom.  But all I can think about is GOING TO JUNIOR HIGH TOMORROW and I can't remember anything else.  So here are some pictures. 

My mind can't think.  Mom told me to go write something.  Maybe would help.  But all I can do is write run on sentences and my mom is friends with all my teachers and they are going to read this and then they will tell my junior high teachers I write run on sentences and they will fail me for writing run on sentences AND I WILL BE STUCK IN JUNIOR HIGH FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think comfort food would help.  That is supposed to be used for times like this.  So like right now I could really go for a Twinkie.  My mom, she joined this workout group and they think comfort food is wrong so I'm not allowed to have Twinkies.  But I bought a box with my own money because I could.  I went to eat one and Mom still said no even though I bought them with my own money.  Went I went to sneak one later when she was at her workout learning about evil comfort food, all I found was an empty Twinkie box.  MY LITTLE BROTHER ATE ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND HE"S NOT THE ONE GOING TO SEVENTH GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom said to go for a jog with her. That always makes her feel better.  We are going at soon.   If you see someone running at a roadrunner speed in the park behind my house don't be alarmed that is just me running off my anxiety because I HAVE TO GO TO SEVENTH GRADE TOMORROW.  

My parents told me that the bus is coming at 7:22 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I haven't seen 7:22 am all summer besides the times Mom gets me up for races.  I am now rethinking my habit of sleeping until 11:00 every day.  Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.  I think junior high school should start later.  Teens are tired.  10 would be good.

I'd write more but I have to go to bed in like five minutes because I have to get up so stupid early.  Good night.  Keep your fingers crossed I get my locker open and don't get lost.

Ellen Louise

1 comment:

  1. Sam ate all YOUR Twinkies!? He owes you....big time! I can't imagine it sat well with Mother Eloise either. I understand the middle school jitters but also know that you will do fine! As you read this you will have a full day under your belt and have probably discovered that a lot of your worry was unnecessary! Hopefully, there were Twinkies and milk waiting at home as an afterschool treat! -Cousin Bonnie
