Sunday, January 20, 2013

Truth Be Told #13

Truth Be Told #13
Under the Weather and On Top of the World

I'm back, Everyone!  Mother Eloise wrote a blog last week called Stuck in Colder Weather.  Last week I was stuck feeling under the weather.  I had some kind of virus for five days.  I missed 3 days of school.  I couldn't do much except lay on the couch and watch Twilight movies and sketch in my sketchbook I got from Em for Christmas.  Here are some of my drawings:

I am working hard on eyes.  Facial expressions are hard!

I made this owl I saw on pinterest.  He is cute.

By mid week I was feeling better.  American Idol started.  I miss Jennifer Lopez a lot.  I miss her clothes and make up.  Niki's clothes and make up freak me out.

This is my favorite story this year so far.  This is Lazaro. 

Lazaro has a stuttering problem.  He was born in Cuba and moved to the United States.  I put the video clip of his audition below.  It moved me to tears.  Everyone needs a friend.  Everyone needs a chance to be heard.  Even if it takes a long time to get the message out. 

Lazaro feels on top of the world because the judges gave him a ticket to Hollywood.   The video is at the bottom of this post. Check it out.

I'm on top of the world, too.

My dad got fifth place in the Erie Times News Open.  It was a hard tournament that took 3 weeks.  It started with 250 people.  

Sam of course wanted to go up and claim the prize money.  He says its OUR money.

My dad also got this plaque.

We got to go out to eat to celebrate.  We are all showing Dad got fifth place!

Lots of people have tomorrow off for Martin Luther King Day.  I hope you all have a peaceful day.
Enjoy the video.  I did.

Ellen Louise

Friday, January 4, 2013

Truth Be Told #12

Truth Be Told #12
Good Things Happen At Christmas

We had a good Christmas here at the Lamp Post.  Sam was the most excited.

He loved his presents. Especially the Wreck It Ralph hands.  That was probably a mistake.
We saw the movie.  It was really good.

We kept reminding Sam that there is fun in giving too.  It's not all about getting at Christmas.
Sam shopped for me at the school Jingle Bell Shop.
He was so excited to give me the present.

Tape was Sam's best friend.  He used almost the entire roll on just my present.

He got me this Santa Hat.  

This was us at Church on Christmas Eve.  Sam was pretending the Silent Night Candle was a sword and a laser.  He was blasting people with it in the row in front of us.  

That's better than last year.  Last year he asked really loud if it was Hanukkah. 2 years before that he stole the baby Jesus out of the manger display in the church lobby and ran away with it.

Jack gave me a special present.  It was a re-gift.  I got him this Rock-and-roll Rat when I was in Kindergarten.  He kept it all this time and this year he gave it back to me.  

 Sam got WWE uno and we played over vacation.

Natalie got a Kindle Fire.

I got lots of presents, but the best thing I got happened on January 3rd.  
I got my braces off!

I just have to wear a stupid retainer for awhile.  It makes me talk funny.
Mother Eloise says it is the price you pay for beauty.

I thought we made some progress with Sam over vacation. The other day he asked me if he could rub my feet.  I thought that was strange but I let him.  He gave me a weak foot rub for a minute and walked away.  As he walked away he was glaring.  He said, "There's a booger on the bottom of your foot, Ellen."

We got some more work to do in 2013.  

The good news is Honey Boo Boo is back on this weekend.  I need a few laughs.

Have a nice weekend,
Ellen Louise