Monday, May 19, 2014

Truth Be Told #27

Truth Be Told #27
My Family is For Real

Did you ever see those stick figure people on car windows?

You know, like the kind that tell you how many people there are in a family.
They are usually on vans and family cars.

Sometimes they also tell you what interests the family members have or
what kind of pets you have.

This could be our family in June.  
But I guess we'd have to take the dog and leave Sam at home though.

Disney car window decals, Disney stickers, Disney cars, Disney family stickers, balloon Disney stickers

If Mother Eloise had it her way, this would be on our car window.
She's into Zombies right now.

If I had my way, I'd just put one sticker on the window to fake people out.
Maybe put a cat on there, too.
(We don't have a cat).

My brother Sam said this weekend that he hated being an only child.
We thought we heard him wrong.
When he said it again we all reminded him that he wasn't one.
Sam said, "Sisters don't count.  I want brothers!"

Sisters do count!
Especially this one.
Natalie turns 16 today!

I never remember life without her.
Although I do remember life before Sam.
It was quieter around here.

Natalie and I have always been together.

She likes pretty much the same stuff I do.

 I need her as much she needs me.

She is very happy today that it is her birthday.

You think she'd be hard to buy stuff for, but she isn't really.

Natalie likes soap, bath toys, clothes, sunglasses, hair and make up stuff,
and pajamas.  Normal teenage stuff.

I got her those underwear.  My favorite pair is the I HATE MONDAYS.
(So do I).

I had to get them for her because SHE KEEPS WEARING MY UNDERWEAR!


Have a happy birthday, Natalie!
You can watch the video below that my mom made.
It has pictures of her growing up.

Ellen Louise